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At some point, you might decide to sell your car; maybe you’re ready to trade in for a newer model, or you’re looking to make some extra cash. If you’ve kept your car in good condition over time, you will probably get a good resale value.
When it comes to selling your car, there are some easy things you can do to get more money for your vehicle, which we’ll talk about in this article. Fortunately, the Vietwheels team has provided five useful tips for improving your car’s market value which is discussed in this article below.
1. Do your research
The first steps starts with doing your research. If you don’t take the time to research your car and its market value, you could potentially end up selling it for much less than it’s worth.
Make sure to go to the Vietwheels website to find out what other sellers are asking for cars of the same make, model, age and mileage as yours. Then, whether you sell your car privately or through a dealer, you’ll know what price you can reasonably expect to get for it.
2. Get a mechanical inspection
Taking care of outstanding repairs is another way that you can increase your car’s resale value. If you’ve been driving around with a broken taillight, or your automatic windows stopped working, consider making those repairs prior to selling.
If your car has any noticeable defects, take it to a licenced mechanic for a thorough inspection. Ask the mechanic to address any problems they encounter and keep a copy of the receipt.
Small issues can quickly add up and cause your car’s resale value to drop. Things that might not be a big deal to you could be a dealbreaker to a buyer. Taking your car to a local mechanic and have it repaired before you find a potential buyer is a simple way to increase its value.
3. Get your car detailed and polished
First impressions matter and the small details can make all the difference! Car detailing involves thoroughly cleaning, restoring and finishing a vehicle’s interior and exterior. This cosmetic procedure is designed to make a vehicle look the best it can almost like brand new.
By getting your car professionally detailed, you’ll increase its appeal to prospective buyers. The aim is to achieve an increase in the sale price that more than offsets the cost of the detailing.
Few cars get through life without the odd ding or scratch, but these imperfections can make a big difference when it comes time to sell. Dent removal can be surprisingly affordable and makes a real difference to the look of your car. Minor blemishes to your paintwork caused by stone chips or swirls and scratches left by automatic car washes look unsightly but can be easily fixed.
A decent car polish and wax will go a long way and bring the car’s colour back to its glorious days. The cleaner and shinier your car, the more money you’ll get for it.
4. Show documentation of your car’s good condition
When you sell a used car, serious buyers will want to know how it’s been looked after during its lifetime. To this end make sure you’ve got the service book and ensure that garages fill it in, even if the car is no longer maintained by a franchised car dealership.
Keep records of your car’s service history. Every time you change your oil, check fluids, change brakes or replace tires, you should keep your receipts. Having proof of a properly maintained car will give you plenty of negotiating power to receive the price you deserve for it.
5. Be prepared to negotiate
Set a price for your car that reflects its market value and be prepared to negotiate with prospective buyers. Go into the negotiations knowing the minimum price you’re willing to accept but with the goal of getting the best price possible.
Contact several dealers to get the best offer. Talk to as many as you can and pick the one that gives you the best figure. When negotiating the sale price, be prepared to make a convincing case why your car is valuable. You should do some homework online before to check how much your car is worth, and then argue for a higher price based on evidence.
You can also look to sell your car to private buyers and dealerships with a leading online car marketplace like Vietwheels and register as a private seller using this link. Advertising your car for sale is free to do on Vietwheels and may get plenty of views and enquiries.
Selling your car isn’t always simple, but for the right price, it can be very worth the effort. Keeping up with regular maintenance, making minor repairs and having the right documentation can all help raise the value of your vehicle when you look to sell it.