Ferrari 488 Spider
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AboutFerrari 488 Spider
Body TypeCoupe
Fuel TypePetrol
Air ConNo
Drive TypeRight
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Ferrari 488 Spider V8 2020. Ferrari’s first class V8 3.9 L engine has a capacity of up to 670 horsepower. Huge capacity coming from low lapse is the reason why Ferrari 488 feels different from a predecessor supercar with Ferrari 488 Spider - this almost perfect convertible version only takes exactly 3.0 seconds to hit the 100 km / h mark. Maximum speed of 488 Spiders at 325 km / h. When packing the hood, 488 Spiders also hit 95 % car body twisted compared to coupe. In general, you barely have to trade anything when you choose the convertible version. Please call 0905826666 - 0985908888 – 0935646666 to make a private appointment.